Read all about it! – 5 Top Tips to Brand Storytelling

Showing a ‘human side’ to your business, through brand storytelling and authentic content, can really pay off. Your target audience wants to hear from real people, to find out what makes a product/business unique and see that extra bit of behind-the-scenes magic that brings a brand to life. This can be incorporated into your website design – if you have a look at your website’s Google Analytics, you will often find that one of your most popular web pages is your “About Us” or “Our Team” page.
As digital guru Seth Godin says: ‘marketing is all about “the stories you tell”, and now more than ever we, as a professional marketing agency, have to cut through the advertising noise and raise our storytelling game in order to emotively connect with our customers and prospects’.
So, why not make a cuppa, sit back, and have a read of our 5 top tips…
1. Be a superhero & define your story
Most major and successful brands out there all share something in common; they all have a strong story to tell about their company’s origin. They also have a clear vision of their purpose and are confident to showcase to the world what they stand for. If we think of Apple, 2020’s most valuable brand (See Visual Capitalist’s infographic here), they have a mission to innovate and create THE best products possible and as a result, positively impact the world. As Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle Model suggests, it is important that businesses start with WHY their business exists. As often, people don’t buy into a product/concept unless they understand the story or reason behind it. Think about your own purchasing decisions…do you agree?
2. Stand out from the crowd & showcase your brand’s personality
When creating stories for your brand, they should ooze personality and reflect your brand’s persona. Whether it is a character, person, or memorable idea – a brand persona can be the missing piece to connecting your business emotively with your target audience. If a story lacks personality, however interesting it may be, it won’t reach its full engagement potential.
3. Stay true to your brand -consistency is key
Whilst it is important to be dynamic, open-minded and creative in marketing, it is also crucial that you don’t wander too far away from your brand’s vision and purpose. For example, if sustainability is at the core of everything you do, it would be bad practice to promote non-environmentally friendly products or processes. As businessman Warren Buffett said: “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it!”
4. Say hello to Human to Human (H2H) Marketing
With the growth of the internet and social media marketing, it has become easier to reach our target audience than ever before. However, your competition knows this too – giving consumers much more choice to consider. This leaves a very small window to attract, engage and convert your audience.
Now, more than ever, it is crucial that we communicate to our prospective clients or customers using H2H Marketing, by showing our authentic selves, building relationships and being visible on the channels of their choice. H2H Marketing adds value, creates trust and loyalty, ultimately tapping into emotions – a powerful influencer when it comes to making decisions. As Seth Godin says, “People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories and magic”. Or as the old sales motto goes, “people buy from people.”
5. Behind-the-scenes & added extras
All good storytelling should take the audience on a journey. Incorporating behind-the-scenes (BTS) footage, imagery and commentary, can add an extra layer of excitement, intrigue and brand transparency. Social media is the perfect channel to demonstrate BTS because it is excellent for reinforcing brand values and H2H marketing.
However, it can open a can of worms if the audience identifies a problem with this organic, ‘real-life’ content. Therefore, we recommend reviewing BTS content thoroughly before putting it out into the public domain!
Do you have a brand story to tell? Could you use a helping hand with your content planning or copywriting?
Click here to find out how our team of content experts can help you.